Imogene Pass Fatalities.
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Jerry McG
21 years ago
I just read in today's Durango, CO Herald that another fatal accident has
occurred on the trails above Telluride. This time a couple with two kids in
a Grand Cherokee went off the trail to Imogene Pass. (Imogene is a
moderately difficult trail between Telluride and Ouray that climbs to 13,000
ft at the pass.)

The driver and his wife were killed, their 11 year old son and another
youngster were seriously injured. All of them were unbelted. The paper
reported they had pulled to the side of the trail to let another vehicle
pass. As they proceeded they ran the Grand up on some rocks that caused it
to roll, then fall 800 ft down the side of the mountain. An accident
investigation is still underway.

We again are reminded of the implicit dangers of traveling San Juan mountain
trails. Along with the 2 fatalities on Black Bear Pass last month, these are
the first fatal accidents on these trails anyone can remember.

Both accidents are reputed to have involve experienced 4 wheelers. However,
with the increase in numbers of inexperienced drivers with new SUVs we fear
these numbers will climb and advise everyone heading this way to be doubly
Mike Romain
21 years ago
I find the words 'experienced' and 'no seat belts' hard to swallow in
one sentence.....

Sorry to hear about the loss, though you are right it reminds us how
dangerous our hobby really is.....

86/00 CJ7 Laredo, 33x9.5 BFG Muds, 'glass nose to tail in '00
88 Cherokee 235 BFG AT's
L.W.(ßill) Hughes III
21 years ago
That sticks in my craw, too. This couple was part of a club, be it
on the prairie in Nebraska, but they have four years under their belts,
(pun) so they were jumping for their lives from an out of control TJ, or
this is a murder cover-up, and to look for someone that stands to gain
from their deaths, a business partner?
God Bless America, ßill O|||||||O
Mike Romain
21 years ago
If you are dropping that distance, you are in big shit, belt or no belt,
but 2 did survive, so it really make me wonder what the results would
have been if everyone was belted in.

Jerry McG
21 years ago
All four were thrown from the vehicle, it's quite remarkeable the 2 kids
Jerry McG
21 years ago
You're absolutely right, I have no idea how anyone could wheel those roads
unbelted, unreal. I use the term "experienced" based upon press reports. Who
knows what that means to those who made the statements.
21 years ago
Post by Mike Romain
I find the words 'experienced' and 'no seat belts' hard to swallow in
one sentence.....
Could not have said it better myself.
3 years ago
Trust me, seat belts wouldn’t matter! While we wore ours as we drove both Imogene and Black Bear, I doubt it would help
For full context, visit https://www.motorsforum.com/jeep/imogene-pass-fatalities-45401-.htm
L.W.(ßill) Hughes III
21 years ago
Hi Jerry,
I the first reports tell of a '04 TJ which is what I recognize by
it's cowl and rag top sitting on it's top in picture:
Failed to load image: http://billhughes.com/BlackBearPassJeepWreck.jpg And pictured with them
at: http://www.midriversjeepthing.com/
God Bless America, ßill O|||||||O
Jerry McG
21 years ago
Tha's the wreck on Black Bear from a few weeks ago. The one on Imogene just
happened yesterday.
L.W.(ßill) Hughes III
21 years ago
Sorry, I thought you were writing of, Allen and Sue Huntington.
God Bless America, ßill O|||||||O
21 years ago
Damn....I dont pull out of my DRIVEWAY without a belt on.....

SIGH....look for more knee-jerk legislation and lawsuits to seriously impair
offroading from stuff like this...
Jerry McG
21 years ago
Post by trailboss
SIGH....look for more knee-jerk legislation and lawsuits to seriously impair
offroading from stuff like this...>

No doubt. While they don't close the Interstates down because of traffic
accidents, my USFS contact says the local anti-motorized crowd will try and
capitalize on these accidents to further restrict activity on these trails.

Both of the trails are county roads, but that really only means the counties
have jursdiction to determine their status, not private landowners, BLM or
USFS. The Black Bear trailhead is in Ouray county, which is offroader
friendly, but ends in San Migel County (Telluride) which is not. San Migel
County has banned ATVs from their sections of Black Bear, Imogene & Ophir
Passes. Dirt bikers have complained of being hassseled badly by locals when
they come into Telluride from any of these entry points. It's probably only
a matter of time before Jeepers get the same treatment from the
Telluridians. (If so, the T-Ride residents will be forced to sell several
thousand Jeeps lest they become politically incorrect!)

Ouray and Silverton are heavily dependent on off roaders for summer
revenues, however Telluride don't need no stinkin' off roaders, in fact they
probably don't need no stinkin' revenues, either, since so many residents
are flatlanders with ridiculously deep pockets. (The only funny part about
Telluride, the anti-ATV Mayor's name is Art Goodtimes!)
Kevin S
21 years ago
Heading to Ouray this weekend and was considering doing Imogene. It's been
a long time since I did it and thought the fiance would like it. Hope she
isn't reading the paper.
21 years ago
Don't let that stop you, it's worth every minute and she'll love it. I
did it in July and would do it again in a heartbeat. The person driving
the Grand just had poor judgement and pulled over in the wrong spot.
Post by Kevin S
Heading to Ouray this weekend and was considering doing Imogene. It's been
a long time since I did it and thought the fiance would like it. Hope she
isn't reading the paper.

03 TJ Rubicon - Rubicon Express 4.5"
01 XJ Sport

There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness."
-- Dave Barry

Pronunciation: 'jEp
Function: noun
Date: 1940

Etymology: from g. p. (G= 'Government' P= '80 inch wheelbase')
A small general-purpose motor vehicle with 80-inch wheelbase,
1/4-ton capacity, and four-wheel drive used by the U.S. army in
World War II.

(Please remove the OBVIOUS to reply by email)
Kevin S
21 years ago
We might actually head up yankee boy basin and do some hiking instead.
We'll just have to see.

I haven't been on imogene since my parents and I used to vacation out her
when I was like 14. Seem to remember it was gorgeous drive.
Jerry McG
21 years ago
Should be a great trip. FWIW, I was at a San Juan Mountains Assoc. dinner
tonight and one of the folks thre said the last fatality on either Black
Bear or Imogene occurred in 1973. Take a safe capable rig, pay attention,
follow the rules of the road and everything should be fine.
21 years ago
But now you have to wonder if this just isn't more ammo for the tree huggers
to close down trails!

I hope they actually look at the past occurances (or lack thereof) on these